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Detroit Accident Lawyer – 98.6 M Travelers Expected This Holiday Season
According to AAA, an estimated 98.6 million travelers will be venturing 50 miles or more from home during this holiday season. As people plan holiday trips to reconnect with friends and family, it is important to be well prepared before hitting the road. With years of experience as a Detroit accident lawyer, I know not all accidents can be prevented no matter what planning occurs, but some steps do ensure safer traveling for those who are driving on the roads.
Your Detroit Accident Lawyer Discusses Preparing For A Winter Road Trip
According to AAA’s estimates, an increase of four percent more travelers will be trucking along with those who already make a trek.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration offers these tips to prepare for safe winter driving:
Get Your Car Serviced Before Leaving – It is best to get your oil changed and get a tune up before hitting the road for a trip. Have the car checked for any problems such as leaks or worn parts, check that the battery is in good condition and that your heating and cooling systems are in good working order. Finally make sure your tires have good tread left.
Check Your Windshield Wipers – This may sound simple, but if you are stuck in a storm without a full reservoir, you may find your reserve depleted quite quickly. It is a good idea to buy some extra to keep in your vehicle as you travel. It is also vital to check your windshield wipers and replace any worn blades as well to ensure your defrosters are working well.
Plan Your Travel Route – It is crucial to check weather, forecasts and road conditions to allow enough time for your travels. Make sure you have a good idea of your overall route even if you are using GPS on your phone or in your vehicle. In the case of a failure, it is important to know where you are heading.
Stock Your Vehicle – Make sure to pack a snow shovel, broom and ice scraper to help you in rough weather. Kitty litter can help get you out of a slippery spot and blankets and water may be a lifesaver should you get stuck. Keep a supply of extra food and necessary medical supplies you or your passengers may need in a pinch.
If You Are Stuck – Make sure to put bright markers so emergency crews can find you. Avoid asphyxiation from carbon monoxide poisoning by clearing out an exhaust pipe of any snow and only running it sporadically to get warm. It is important not to run your vehicle for a long time with the windows up or in an enclosed space.
Of course it is important to take normal safety precautions such as buckling up and not texting or drinking and driving.
If you or your loved one has suffered injury in any type of motor vehicle accident, call your Detroit accident lawyer today for a free, initial consultation.
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