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Does Homeowner’S Insurance Pay For Dog Bites?
Dogs are some of the best friends we can have. They are fiercely loyal and loving, making them a wonderful addition to any family. Unfortunately, dogs can get scared and cause injuries to other people. Generally, homeowner’s insurance pays for the injuries caused by dog bites. If you have suffered such an injury, a dog bite attorney can find any insurance that may exist and work to make you whole from your damages.
Some people assume that only certain breeds are dangerous or can cause injury. Breeds like pit bulls, Doberman pinchers, Rottweilers, and other breeds face restrictions because they are perceived to be more dangerous. The truth is that any dog has the ability to cause damages. Even small dogs like chihuahas and yorkies can puncture the skin, leaving permanent scars.
Dog bites are especially serious when they occur in young children. Many children love animals and try to play close to a dog’s face. The dog, not realizing the child is only playing, might instinctively snap and bite a child in the face. This can leave permanent scars on a child’s face that require follow-up surgeries and more to correct.
It is important to note that a person cannot recover damages if they are provoking the animal. If a person is trying to make a dog angry or otherwise riling a dog up, a jury may ultimately rule that the injured person is responsible for their injuries. Therefore a person should always be careful not to provoke an animal.
If you have been injured in Farmington Hills or anywhere in the Detroit area, a dog bite lawyer at Davis Law Center can help. We know how serious the injuries caused by such a bite can be and will fight aggressively to get you or your child every penny you deserve. For a free consultation to discuss your injuries, contact Davis Law Center today.