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Finding Closure With A Detroit Wrongful Death Lawyer
When a loved one suffers an untimely death, the last thing on a family’s mind is money. They are stricken with grief, forced to adjust to a new life without the love and companionship of their loved one. This loss often leaves a void, especially when the death is due to the negligence of another. While money can never replace this person, it can help a family find closure during this difficult time. A Detroit wrongful death lawyer can review your case and explain how they can help. Together, you and your attorney can work through this difficult time.
An example of a common wrongful death is a death caused by a car accident. In many cases, there aren’t criminal charges to hold the party responsible. For instance, if someone just didn’t notice the motorcycle coming, pulled out in front of them, and killed them. This death is extremely tragic, but there’s nothing inherently illegal about this accident.
The only way to hold the responsible party accountable is through the civil court system. There, a jury can assign fault and give a monetary award to help the family with the loss they have suffered. While the money is certainly helpful, perhaps more important is just hearing the jury assign fault. When a jury of your peers helps to hold someone accountable, it can help provide closure to the family. Eventually, they can move on from this tragic loss.
At Davis Law Center, we know that money can never replace your loved one. We also know how difficult it can be for a family to lose the love, support, and income that loved one provided. We will do everything possible to hold the responsible party or parties accountable, helping you find closure during this extremely difficult time. For a free consultation with a wrongful death lawyer, contact Davis Law Center right away.