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The Dangers Of Texting And Driving From A Detroit Car Crash Lawyer
One of the most dangerous things we can do behind the wheel is to text while driving. Studies have found that when a person texts, they take their eyes off the road for up to four seconds. This might not sound like long, but it is the difference between a close call and a serious accident. As a Detroit car crash lawyer, this office has seen far too many people injured by careless drivers using their phone while driving. Keep the phone in your pocket or purse until you get to your destination.
Another study found that people who text while driving are 23 times more likely to be involved in an accident compared to an undistracted driver. This stark number puts the danger into perspective. Still, many people continue to engage in this dangerous conduct. It will take a major effort from law enforcement and from the public at large to stop texting behind the wheel.
The closest comparison comes from drinking and driving, Many years ago, people understood that drinking and driving was dangerous but it was generally tolerated. As people began to fully understand the severity of the danger, harsh laws were passed and public service efforts to educate the public became common. The rates of drunk driving have consistently fallen since then (although some could argue that they still remain too high).
It will take something similar to curb this behavior. Many people understand the danger, but they think they can sneak a peek or send out a text quickly. Unfortunately, all it takes is one second for a life to be completely changed. We have seen many clients whose lives were permanently alerted because people just had to send that one text message.
At Davis Law Center, we have helped many clients injured by distracted drivers. We know the severity of the damages this behavior can cause. We will aggressively fight to get you every penny you deserve. For a free consultation to discuss your injuries with a Detroit car crash lawyer, contact Davis Law Center right away.