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What Does “Made Whole” Mean?
In every personal injury case, the goal is to make the injured person as whole as possible after an injury. But what exactly does “made whole” mean? Specifically, it means to return a person to the state they were in before an accident occurred. Since we don’t have a time machine to take a person back to prevent an accident, we use money to compensate people for their injuries. It is not perfect, but it is the only tool available to help someone after an injury accident.
As an example, let’s imagine a person is struck by a drunk driver. This person is very fortunate and only suffers damage to their vehicle but doesn’t suffer any injuries. They walk away completely unharmed save for the property damage to their case. To make this person whole, the at-fault driver’s insurance company will only need to cover the damage to the vehicle.If, however, the driver above suffered serious injuries from the drunk driver, the monetary amount would be much greater. This injured person would need to be made whole from the immediate treatment the received from the paramedics and the emergency room doctors. There would then be follow up visits to their primary care physician, specialists to look at specific parts of the body, and physical therapists needed to help them rebuild strength. These damages would be substantially more since there was a greater loss.This is important because it helps a person know what to expect from their personal injury matter. Being injured in a car accident won’t result in some huge, unearned windfall. But it also shouldn’t require someone to pay for damages out of pocket when they were caused by the negligence of another. A car accident lawyer can review the facts of your case to give you an idea of how your case will proceed.At Davis Law Center, we aggressively fight to make sure you are properly compensated for your injuries. We do everything possible to make you whole due to the damages you have suffered. For a free consultation to discuss your case, contact Davis Law Center today for a free consultation.