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By Neil Davis

When someone is injured, receiving the money they need is often their main concern. They may pressure their Detroit Personal Injury Lawyer to settle their case as quickly as possible regardless of the offer. While there are some cases where the insurance company offers a fair settlement immediately, those cases are certainly the exception. In most cases, the first offer will be extremely low. While an attorney will work to move your case along as quickly as possible, they will also explain whether an offer is fair and work to maximize your recovery.

Fair Settlement with a Detroit Personal Injury Lawyer

These cases do tend to take some time. If a case goes to trial, it will take several years to be resolved. This is disheartening, as no one wants this process to drag on that long. A person’s Detroit Personal Injury Lawyer is sensitive to this and wants to work as quickly as possible to settle the case. Still, it is better to be thorough and get a fair settlement than to simply accept the first offer from the insurance company. Since you only get one chance at settling your case, it is vital that this settlement cover all injuries and treatments for the rest of a person’s life.

At Davis Law Center, we will work to resolve your case as quickly as possible while working towards a fair settlement. We will keep you informed of your case at all times so you are not left in the dark about how it is proceeding. We will aggressively fight to get you the money you need and compensate you for all of your damages, making you as whole as possible after an accident. To learn more about how a Detroit Personal Injury Lawyer can help after your injury, contact Davis Law Center today for a free consultation.

Hurt in an accident? Contact a Detroit Personal Injury Lawyer

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About the Author
Neil Davis, owner of Davis Law Center, is a seasoned attorney specializing in personal injury cases. With over 30 years of experience, he has successfully secured millions in compensation for injured individuals. Neil is a dedicated advocate for justice and an active member of legal associations. Personal injury law is complex and best handled by a competent attorney who can effectively evaluate, prepare, present, and fight to win your case. Neil prides himself on doing all these things for his clients and would be honored to have the opportunity to discuss your case with you.