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By Neil Davis

Recently, an 100-year-old California man accidentally backed over a group of school kids in Los Angeles, reigniting the debate on how old is too old for drivers to be on the road. Even though accidents with older drivers are not as common as accidents with other drivers, they are often more deadly, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

The Associated Press article explores the requirements for older drivers to obtain or retain their licenses.In Michigan, drivers licenses last for four years, regardless, for all drivers. That is no age where drivers must stop driving. Anyone may report a potentially unsafe driver and officials may require the driver to pass a driving or vision test or other related test.The argument against setting a license age limit is that just because someone is getting older, doesn’t mean they are necessarily bad drivers. A lot of time other health conditions actually contribute to the higher accident rate, on par with teen and young 20 somethings.If you or your loved one has been seriously injured in any type of accident, call a Michigan accident attorney for a free, initial consultation today.The truth is that there is no single answer for which group is safer, it comes down individual drivers. Families need to pay attention to older adults to ensure that they still have the ability to drive safely. If not, they may need to have a tough conversation about taking their keys. This way, families can help keep everyone safe on the road.At Davis Law Center, we want everyone to remain safe. We know how difficult it can be to be injured in a car accident. The injuries can be life-changing. We will fight to get you the compensation you deserve. To learn more about your options if you have been injured in an accident, contact Davis Law Center today for a free consultation.

About the Author
Neil Davis, owner of Davis Law Center, is a seasoned attorney specializing in personal injury cases. With over 30 years of experience, he has successfully secured millions in compensation for injured individuals. Neil is a dedicated advocate for justice and an active member of legal associations. Personal injury law is complex and best handled by a competent attorney who can effectively evaluate, prepare, present, and fight to win your case. Neil prides himself on doing all these things for his clients and would be honored to have the opportunity to discuss your case with you.