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By Neil Davis

Some of the most serious accidents on the road involve tractor trailers. Since they are so much larger than passenger vehicles, they can be responsible for life-changing injuries. They may wonder if punitive damages are available to increase their reward. It is entirely possible that you may be eligible for punitive damages if the trucker or trucking company responsible for your accident cut safety corners. An experienced truck accident lawyer will examine the facts of your case to determine if punitive damages should be considered. If so, they will aggressively fight to maximize your recovery.
Punitive damages are damages meant to punish a company for certain actions. Typically, these would include safety rules that were ignored. Some examples could be hauling a load that exceeds weight requirements, ignoring hours of service requirements, or ignoring maintenance on their equipment. If something like this is found to have contributed to cause your accident, you may be eligible for punitive damages.

It’s important to be thorough in an accident investigation in order to find these safety problems. Not only does potentially increase the compensation, it also helps to prevent future accident. When trucking companies see that they will be held financially responsible for cutting corners, they are less likely to engage in this conduct. Most trucking companies are honest companies that follow the rules, but some are not. These people need to be held responsible for the injuries they cause.

At Davis Law Center, we have helped many clients injured in truck accidents. We know how to investigate your accident to find any safety violations that may have occurred. We will do everything possible to maximize your award to make you as whole as possible after an accident. For a free consultation to discuss your truck accident, contact Davis Law Center right away.

About the Author
Neil Davis, owner of Davis Law Center, is a seasoned attorney specializing in personal injury cases. With over 30 years of experience, he has successfully secured millions in compensation for injured individuals. Neil is a dedicated advocate for justice and an active member of legal associations. Personal injury law is complex and best handled by a competent attorney who can effectively evaluate, prepare, present, and fight to win your case. Neil prides himself on doing all these things for his clients and would be honored to have the opportunity to discuss your case with you.